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157 lines
GFX Library v0.1
By Stephen McNamara and Steve Matty
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library contains commands for the control of palette objects inside
Blitz2. These are just simple commands that allow either interrogation of
the palette objects are modifications to the colour values contained in
them. After changing the palette with these commands, you'll have to do
either a USE PALETTE or DISPLAYPALETTE (whichever is applicable to what
you're doing) to make the changes come into effect on your screen.
Please feel free to critisise (or praise!) this library, send me anything
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Command list:
PaletteInfo palette#
r.w=PalRed (Colour#)
g.w=PalGreen (Colour#)
b.w=PalBlue (Colour#)
r.w=AGAPalRed (Colour#)
g.w=AGAPalGreen (Colour#)
b.w=AGAPalBlue (Colour#)
PalAdjust dest_palette#,ration.q[,start_col,end_col]
FillPalette palette#,r,g,b[start_col,end_col]
AGAFillPalette palette#,r,g,b[start_col,end_col]
Statement: PaletteInfo
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: PaletteInfo Palette#
This command is used to specify the palette object that all palette
interrogations should look at. The majority of the commands use this
palette object as the source for their data, e.g. PalRed(1) will look at
the red value of colour 1 of the palette last used in a PaletteInfo
Function: PalRed
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: r.w=PalRed (Colour#)
This command is used to get the red value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 15
Function: PalGreen
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: g.w=PalGreen (Colour#)
This command is used to get the green value of colour number Colour#.
You should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 15
Function: PalBlue
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: b.w=PalBlue (Colour#)
This command is used to get the blue value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 15
Function: AGAPalRed
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: r.w=AGAPalRed (Colour#)
This command is used to get the red value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 255, this number of shades, though,
can only be displayed on an AGA machine.
Function: AGAPalGreen
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: g.w=AGAPalGreen (Colour#)
This command is used to get the green value of colour number Colour#.
You should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 255, this number of shades, though,
can only be displayed on an AGA machine.
Function: AGAPalBlue
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: b.w=AGAPalBlue (Colour#)
This command is used to get the blue value of colour number Colour#. You
should use the PaletteInfo command to specify what palette this command
takes its information from.
The value returned will be from 0 to 255, this number of shades, though,
can only be displayed on an AGA machine.
Statement: PalAdjust
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: PalAdjust dest_palette#,ration.q[,start_col,end_col]
This command is used to multiple all the colours, or a range of colours,
in a palette object, by a ratio. The dest_palette# arguement is used to
give a destination for the adjusted colour information. This destination
should be a pre-reserved palette and should be AT LEAST as big and the
source palette. The source palette is taken as being the palette last used
in the PaletteInfo command.
The ratio should be given as either a quick value or a float and should
be below one for a fade or above to lighten a palette. If you give a ratio
of 1 then a palette copy will occur.
The optional start and end parameters let you specify the range of
colours to adjust. Only this range of colours, though, will be adjusted
and stored in the destination palette.
Statement: FillPalette
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: FillPalette palette#,r,g,b[start_col,end_col]
This command lets you fill a given palette object with specific r,g,b
values. The values given should be between 0 to and 15. Optionally, you
can give start and end colour numbers to set a range for the fill. You
should be careful, though, because when you specify a range, no checking is
done (at the moment) to make sure that you don't exceed the colour limit of
the palette.
You should note that this command does not work on the palette last
Statement: AGAFillPalette
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: AGAFillPalette palette#,r,g,b[start_col,end_col]
This command is identical to FillPalette except that it lets you specify
AGA shade values for the r,g,b parameters.
See FillPalette for more information.
>> END